It’s been a while since I updated this page. I wanted to let everyone know that Salem’s Lot is now out on HBO Max! I watched this movie and it is a great take on the classic book! I was lucky to have gotten to work with my friends over at Fractured FX on this film. Forever grateful that I get to work with such talented people. Dream come true to get to do films like this! Be sure to check it out.
G'Day Mate!
Wow, what a way to start off 2023. Had a great three week visit in Australia! Such a beautiful place! I spent two weeks in Brisbane and one week in the Gold Coast. This is my third time to visit Australia. I never would have imagined I would be lucky enough to go here, let alone three times! I saw lots of neat birds and some really large bats. It was summertime there so it was in the high 90’s with rather high humidity. Back home it was in the 30’s and 40’s. I got a nice tan while there. I ended up buying an Australian Akubra hat to keep the sun off my head while spending everyday in the summer sun! All in all it was a great trip made all the better by spending it with great people!
Back to Spain!
Well I just got back from my second trip to Spain.
This time it was to Madrid and the Island of Mallorca. Such a beautiful place to visit. It’s even better when you get to go for work because you actually get paid to go!! Can’t talk about the project due to NDA’s but it was with good people. The city was clean and beautiful. The food was fantastic. The people I worked with were so nice. I want to give a special thanks to the local makeup artist Nieves Arranz. She was so helpful getting me supplies and helping on set.
I am including some photos from my trip to show how beautiful it was. Hope you enjoy.
Going to West Point!!
My oldest son was accepted into West Point! This is a big deal and he has worked very hard to achieve this goal he set for himself. We are very proud of him!!!
Working in Kanab, Utah
April 8th, 2022
Having grown up in Northern Arizona, I spent a lot of time in Southern Utah. I absolutely love Utah, but especially the area around Kanab. My dad kind of grew up there so it has a special place in our family’s story. Dream location to film in!
Working in Chicago!
Spent the last two weeks working in Chicago! I have done several jobs here over the last 25 years. First time was in 1999 for a film called “Soul Survivors”. It was a thriller/horror movie directed by Stephen Carpenter. I spent three months working in Chicago and on evenings and weekends I walked around the city. It was great getting to see the city in the fall with all the changing leaves. I spent a little time here for the show “The Mob Doctor”. However for that show I stayed out of the city so I didn’t get to revisit my previous walking areas.
It’s great to be back downtown again. Very different this time but just as nice to see. Very clean city and the weather was perfect!
Army Of The Dead!! Now playing on Netflix!
Well the time has arrived. Army of the Dead is now playing on Netflix. This was a really fun project to be a part of. I am thankful to Justin Raleigh, Ozzy Alvarez and Kevin Kirkpatrick for bringing me on.
This show had LONG hours and LOTS of fun zombie make-ups! If you like zombie movies than be sure to check this movie out!
Here is a little behind the scenes of what it took to bring the Alpha Zombies to the screen. You can even get a peek at me applying a make-up for a key scene for the film.
WM Creations Replaced with Apartments
Check this out. For all those who were familiar with our old business WM Creations, it has been completely torn down and is being replaced by a new apartment building!
I wonder if any of these new tenets will realize the Hollywood history that they are living on top of? So many talented artists, actors, directors, and more have been at that location, helping to bring great visuals that entertain so many around the world. Just even while I was there during my time at WM, we worked on 100’s of movies and television shows.
It’s sad to see it all gone. Replaced like it was never there.
5755 Tujunga Ave, North Hollywood CA 91601
Army Of The Dead!
The full trailer for Zach Snyders “Army of the Dead” is now out! This was a really fun show to work on. Thank you to Justin Raleigh and his company Fractured FX for having me out to help. I was not part of the main crew. I was there helping do background. It was an intense show. Eight hour pre-calls just to get the makeups done for filming!! Thanks also to Ozzy Alvarez and Kevin Kirkpatrick for being so great. Everyone in the main trailer was amazing. Thanks to all. Can’t wait to see the film!!
Back to work...
Finally back to work! Thankful for the work but i’m not loving the new protocols for comfort reasons. It is extremely hot on set when you are wearing all this safety gear. I felt safe though which is the important thing.
Thank you to production for everything that you are doing to keep us all safe. I know it is not a great time for film production, but ingenuity and teamwork will overcome difficulties.
The New Normal...
It appears that we are now living in a new normal. The new Covid-19 has ravaged the world and that includes the film industry. As a working Make-Up FX artist, working with clean tools and sanitary working procedures is a must. Being extra careful with your techniques while working with actors on a production is now even more important. I have always prided myself on working in a sanitary and professional way. With that I urge all working artists to educate yourselves with the utmost up to date information.
To all potential employers, I have completed the Barbicide Covid-19 Certifcation course as well as the training for proper sanitation and disinfection practices and procedures.
Stay safe everyone.
Wrapped Netflix's "Army of the Dead"!
Well that is a wrap on the new Netflix film “Army of the Dead”! Thanks to Justin Raleigh and Fractured FX for having me along to help out. Thanks also to Ozzy Alvarez and Kevin Kirkpatrick for running a great Make-Up FX Department. Long days and lots of make-ups but it was all worth it. It was great working with so many great artists on this show. There were a TON of artists involved applying fun make-ups!
Five weeks in New Jersey and a couple of weeks in Albuquerque. Time to go home!!
Watch for it on Netflix!!
Netflix “Army of the Dead”
Army of the Dead
Clinton on location in New Jersey.
Busy year for traveling!
This year has so far been a very busy year for traveling!
I am about to get on a plane and head to Honolulu, Hawaii. Which has me reflecting on all the places I have been this year.
So far I have traveled to:
Brisbane, Australia
Barcelona, Spain
Toronto, Canada
Seattle, Washington
Los Angeles, California
San Diego, California
Dallas, Texas
Savannah, Georgia
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Manhattan, New York
Albuquerque, New Mexico
St. Paul, Minnesota
All over Oregon
Let’s see what the rest of the year has in store!!!
Toronto, Ontario - June, 2019
Toronto in June is beautiful!
I haven’t been here since 2001. Back then I was working on Kevin Donovan’s “The Tuxedo” starring Jackie Chan for Dreamworks. We had a lot of fun Make-Up FX gags in that movie. Some proved to be quite challenging. Kevin Donovan is a brilliant director who we had worked with a lot on commercials. This was his first big feature film.
Brings back lots of memories coming back after all this time. It was a dream come true to work with Jackie Chan. I was a huge fan of his movies. He was amazing to watch doing his stunt work. So focused on the craft. Much respect to him and his career.
Also starring in the movie was Jennifer Love Hewitt. I have worked with Jennifer on various projects over the years. “I Still Know…, The Tuxedo and Ghost Whisperer”. She is always fun to work with.
Toronto, Ontario - June 2019
Toronto, Ontario - June 2019
Perks of the Entertainment Business!!
Over the years of working in the film business, I have been lucky to work in wonderful locations all around the world. Just last year I got to go to Australia twice! I’ve worked in South Africa, Australia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Canada, Mexico and Spain! Not to mention the many States in the U.S. I have been fortunate to work in. If you love to travel, then the film business may just be for you.
Barcelona, Spain 2019
NDA's & Upcoming Work
Hello everyone!
Sadly, due to NDA’s (Non Disclosure Agreements) I can’t post what I have been working on lately. But be sure to check out Marvel’s Avenger’s Endgame!!! I was happy to work on this applying some fun makeups! I can’t wait to see it!!
Check out "Insatiable"!!! Now playing on Netflix!
I was lucky to have been involved in a very fun "Fat Make-Up" for the new Netflix show "Insatiable". Stevie Bettles called me up and asked if I wanted to come work with him on a show he had been hired to build and apply a fat make-up to the lead actress of the show. I of course said yes. We flew to Atlanta, Georgia and applied the appliances to Debby Ryan to give her the look of being much heavier than she really is. The appliances were beautifully made by Stevie and his crew. The silicone color was spot on to the actress and the edges were perfect. I helped prep, pre-paint and apply the make-ups daily as we filmed. Some scenes even had "Patty" in a short pair of shorts and short sleeves which gave us the great opportunity to have her show more skin that needed to be fattened up.
Check it out on Netflix now!!
"Old Man Trick Shots" by Dude Perfect
Check out this fun video made by the Dude Perfect guys! This is a promo shoot for the film "Uncle Drew". I did not work on "Uncle Drew" but I did get to work on this shoot for Steve Prouty and his company FusionFX. Thanks for having me along Steve!!
Dude Perfect!
Hello everyone!
I just got home to Portland, Oregon from working in Denton, Texas. I had the honor of getting to work for Steve Prouty and his company FusionFX to apply Old Age makeups to the YouTube sensation Dude Perfect! They have the largest YouTube channel on YouTube. 30 million subscribers!! That is impressive!!
I got to apply prosthetics to Cory Cotton. He is a really nice guy and was really great to work with. I couldn't have asked for a better guy to work with!
Barney Burman, Jamie Kelman, Ralis Khan, and Savannah Suderman were the other artists that filled out the make-up fx department for this job. Everyone did such an amazing job.
The video premiers on June 4th, 2018!! Watch for it!
Fun little project
Here is a fun little project I put together recently. I was hoping to wear it for Halloween but I didn't get the actual costume put together in time. But at least I got the pack up and running. Added lights and speakers with a sound card that was activated by the proton wand. Yep, I'm just a big kid.